Welcome to PyDidYouMean’s documentation!


PyDidYouMean can be installed using pip:

pip install pydidyoumean

The module is available on PyPI and GitHub

The documentation is available on ReadTheDocs

Typical Usage for “File not found” Errors

If your code is unable to find a filename in the current working directory, you can print a “Did you mean %s?n” message by calling:

>>> import pydidyoumean
>>> pydidyoumean.printFileSuggestion('typo_filename.txt')
Did you mean typo_filename.exe?

The default arguments for printFileSuggestion() are as follows:

>>> import pydidyoumean
>>> pydidyoumean.printFileSuggestion('typo_filename.txt', message='Did you mean %s?\n', folder='.', threshold=2, includeIdenticalFilename=False)

The %s in the message will be replaced by the suggested file. The threshold is the max Levenshtein edit distance (the number of character additions, removals, or replacements needed to convert one string into another). The printFileSuggestion() function compares the typo filename against all files and folders in folder. If there are multiple filenames tied for the lowest edit distance, it is undefined which one is returned.

You can get the string that printFileSuggestion() prints by calling formatFileSuggestion(), which has all the same arguments:

>>> import pydidyoumean
>>> pydidyoumean.formatFileSuggestion('typo_filename.txt')
'Did you mean typo_filename.exe?\n'

(This naming is similar to the pprint module’s pprint() and pformat() conventions.)

suggestFile() will return a string of the filename that formatFileSuggestion() would use, rather than an error message string. It does not have a message parameter.

suggestAllFiles() will return a generator object of all filenames that are within the threshold, sorted by distance. It does not have a message parameter. Pass this generator object to the list() function to get this as a list.

Typical Usage for “Commmand not found” Errors

Rather than files, if your user has entered a typo’d command (or some other plain text), you can use the printSuggestion() function (analogous to the printFileSuggestion()). Instead of a folder parameter, printSuggestion() requires you pass a sequence of strings of all the possible commands that the user might have meant. The rest of the keywords are the same as printFileSuggestion().


>>> import pydidyoumean
>>> pydidyoumean.printSuggestion('checkoout', ['add', 'bisect', 'branch', 'checkout', 'clone', 'commit'])
Did you mean checkout?

There are also functions formatSuggestion() (like formatFileSuggestion()), suggest() (like suggestFile()), and suggestAll() (like suggestAllFiles())


Indices and tables